catherine wheel 2009
4 minutes 51 seconds installation dance improvisations by Rulan Tangen video projected on a mound of sea salt 30″ diameter x 6″ H (size may vary depending on space) A spiked wheel was an instrument …
timepiece II 2005
4 minutes 40 seconds dance improvisations by Mary Anne Santos Newhall music by Joan La Barbara – excerpts from Rothko Timepiece II is an experimental video about subtle changes in the body and mind over …
understory shadows 2005
Studies from the abandoned New Mexico State Penitentiary 6 minutes 42 seconds dance improvisations by Mary Anne Santos Newhall mask by Gina Telcocci The abandoned New Mexico State Penitentiary, the site of one of the …
plié 2004
6 minutes 23 seconds dance improvisations by Mary Anne Santos Newhall Music composed and perfomed by Jin Hi Kim – excepts from Dorang Plié is an experimental dance video that explores how loss may cause …
timepiece 2004
4 minutes 35 seconds dance improvisations by Mary Anne Santos Newhall music by David Dunn – excerpts from Pleroma 3 (1, 4, 6, and 10) Timepiece explores the visceral influence of memory, dream, color and …
tango two 2002
8 minutes choreography and performance by Luren Bellucci, Michael Walker, and Jennifer Morrison voice compositions by Joan La Barbara story by Sumner Carnahan Video images of tango dancers Michael Walker and Luren Bellucci and of …
artimisia 2002
6 minutes 13 seconds from Endless Songs 2002 suite of three videos 20 Minutes dance improvisations by Mary Anne Santos Newhall music composed and performed by Joan La Barbara Endless Songs is a suite of …
egon schiele 2002
6 minutes 14 seconds from Endless Songs 2002 suite of three videos 20 Minutes dance improvisations by Mary Anne Santos Newhall music composed and performed by Joan La Barbara mask by Nancy Reyner Egon Schiele …
eva hesse 2002
6 minutes 20 seconds from Endless Songs 2002 suite of three videos 20 Minutes dance improvisations by Mary Anne Santos Newhall music composed and performed by Joan La Barbara mask by Nancy Reyner Eva Hesse …
reflections 2002
6 minutes 30 seconds choreography and performance by Jennifer Morrison and Carrie Ronneau music by David Dunn Reflections portrays a journey reflecting physical and psychological change and, ultimately heightened awareness. This work seeks to explore …